Hello Granite Bay Members,
We know members are asking what is happening with Granite Bay SCI since the election of a new board and officers. Well, your Board has been hard at work developing a plan for the Chapter that all members can participate in for the first six months of 2013. Scat Tracks is the first publication of a new member communication forum.
Scat Tracks is basically a blog that we can post on our web site, www.granitebaysci.com and our Facebook Fan page to communicate to our members what is happening, special events and activities and announcements. It is also very cost effective for the Chapter versus a mailing communication. For those members who do not use the internet, we will mail Scat Tracks so all members know what is happening. You just have to let us know your address to mail to. Now what is planned for 2013?
Events and Activities:
January 1, 2013: Launch of Scat Tracks to the membership
January 10-13: Sensory Safari at the ISE show in Sacramento. We will have a booth in the Youth Tent displaying our Sensory Safari animals and furs for the public. If you would like to help man this book for a few hours during the show, please call Cal Ryan, 530-305-7566 to get on our schedule. The more help the better.
January 23-27: The SCI Convention in Reno. Your Board will be attending many of the meetings for Chapters and we Will be an active chapter for this convention. If you are going and would help us by asking for hunt and merchandise donations for our fundraiser, email cal2032@sbcglobal.net and we will send you donation forms to hand out. Again, we need 100% or 50/50 donations to make money.
January 31, 2013: Member dinner at Cattleman’s Restaurant in Roseville. Starts at 6:00 in the back meeting room. You can order off the menu for dinner and drinks. We are trying to get a DFG person to speak to the group about hunting in California and changes in regulations. We need an RSVP so just call Cal at 530-305-7566 or email him at cal2032@sbcglobal.net so we have a count. See you there.
February: We are planning a member pheasant hunt /BBQ or a Sporting Clays/BBQ or maybe both. Costs will be based on costs of pheasants or a round of clays. The costs should be in the $40 range per person for the event and potluck for the BBQ. Stay tuned.
March: Lucille’s member dinner with Sportsman’s Warehouse seminar at Sportsman’s Warehouse. Detail being put together on date and time. Cost is dinner at Lucille’s on your own.
April: Awards dinner at Board Member Christian Mansfield’s home in Granite Bay. This will be a potluck so everyone brings something, GB will supply drinks. Details to follow on Awards criteria, time and exact date in January.
May: Wild Game Feed. We may combine this with a late May fundraiser. We are working on getting a venue and a date.
June: Nomination and Election Annual Member Meeting: Probably at Cattleman’s or another location in Granite Bay. Details to follow.
Hunter Education Course: Jeff Goodwin is teaching DFG hunter Safety Courses monthly. Check our web page for dates, times and locations monthly.
Sensory Safari: ISE Jan 10-13, 2013
Feed the Hungry: We are looking for a non-profit soup kitchen that would take game meet donated to feed the hungry. Also looking for meat lockers who would process game and be a part of this effort. If you know of someone or an organization to be a part of this activity, contact a board member.
DFG Projects: We have several requests from the DFG for support of their various elk, deer and bear programs with cash donation. This will depend on our fundraiser success.
AWLS: We would like to send a teacher to AWLS next summer. If you know of a teacher that would like to go to Jackson Hole for a week, call us to contact them. We pay all the costs.
Blue Bags: We have two blue bags to send with anyone going out of the country and would like to take medical supplies, teaching supplies to give to underdeveloped villages and people while you are on your safari or hunt. The airline does not charge for this shipment as luggage. Call for details, it is a great program that SCI offers.
Gallery of Photos:
We would like to post photos of your hunts and trophy’s on our web page and Facebook Fan Page. Just email them with a description of where, when, and what the trophy’s is to cal2032@sbcglobal.net
As you can see, we have a lot on our plate to rebuild Granite Bay SCI to be a fun and active Chapter for its members. The key ingredient is YOU and your Support. We need you to attend functions, have fun, and share with your friends what we are trying to do so we can build membership. A member application is on our web page: www.granitebaysci for your use. Bring someone to an event to witness what we do to support our mission.
Once we have a date and place for our fundraiser, we need you to mark it on your calendars and spread the word. Our fundraiser will be open to anyone.
We hope you enjoy Scat Tracks as our forum to communicate to our members as well as our web page and Facebook Fan Page. Please go in and “Like Us” on our Facebook page so you can be connected.
Thanks for your support!
The GBSCI Board Of Directors
P.O Box 2759 NEW
Granite Bay, Ca 95746
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