This is the fourth quarter issue of the Granite Bay Scat Tracks, our quarterly newsletter to our members. We hope you are staying connected through our web page: and our Facebook Page: We will continue to post events, projects, and new information on both of these sites for your review. By checking these Internet sites, you get fast and up to date information on what’s happening with our Chapter.
Member Event Follow-up:
Granite Bay SCI hosted its First Annual Pheasant and Chukar hunt on November 15. Eight members and Friends gathered at Comanche Hills Hunting Preserve in Ione for a fun day chasing birds. Everyone took pheasants and chukars for three hours with a special guest Michael Binon of the Granite Bay Trap Team showing his prowess as a trap shooter.Members were Cal Ryan, Claude Malcolm with two friends, Fred Wilcox and John Perralt , Paul Binon and his son Michael, Tony Ingoglia with his friend Jim, and Carl Larson and his trusty dog.
After the hunt, the gang enjoyed a lunch in the Club House. This was our First Annual Pheasant and Chukar Hunt and will do it again next year so mark your calendars in November of 2015. Thanks to all who participated!
Save the Date!!!! 16th Annual Granite Bay Chapter Fundraiser and Dinner is April 11, 2015
When: April 11, 2015: Mark your calendars today, not tomorrow.Where: You guessed it: Blue Goose Event Center, Loomis Ca
Why: Because it’s a great place to gather and have fun!
Cost: $60/person ($70 after March 27th) • $480/table of 8 ($560 after March 27th)
More to follow on this great event but we want you there!!!
We need your help!
- Know a great outfitter? Let us know their name/info or ask them to donate to our fundraiser! Donor forms are located on our website.
- Have a piece of artwork, gun or item that we could auction off? Get in touch and become a donor! We appreciate 100% and partial donations!
- Own a company or know one that supports hunter rights? Become a Sponsor and get added exposure for your business in our program!
- Want a free ticket to the fundraiser? Volunteer to help the night of our event! We are in need of people to help:
- Setup/takedown of tables, chairs, mounts etc.
- Transport items to/from our warehouse (trucks needed!)
- Working a station (serve drinks, dessert, organize silent auction etc.)
Get in touch with Cal Ryan or a board member and let us know if you are interested in helping with our fundraiser! A little effort by many makes the load easier to carry!
Just a Reminder - Here is your Board of Directors:
President: Calvin Ryan – 530.305.7566 cal2032@sbcglobal.netVice President: Jeff Goodwin
Treasurer: Dan Baker
Secretary: Jeff Goodwin
Membership Chair: Mary Ann Goodwin
Directors at large: Claude Malcolm, Tony Ingoglia, Al Edwards, Haley Ingoglia
Thanks to everyone for their service. We still could use more members to serve. Give us a few hours per month to help grow Granite Bay SCI. Call a board member to inquire, we need you!
Future Events and Activities
- International Sportsman Expo: January 8-11: Come and visit our Granite Bay SCI Sensory Safari that will be held in the Youth Tent from Jan 9-11. We need members to man our booth for three hour shifts each day. This is an easy event to supervise plus get free parking and admittance to the Expo. Call Cal Ryan at 530-305-7566 or email at
- SCI National Convention: February 4-7, 2015 @Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV: Register for your tickets for four days of fun and excitement at the Convention supporting SCI.
- Wild Game Feast/Beer Fest: This will take place in the Spring. TBA
- Hunter Education: Jeff Goodwin teaches once per month. Check web page for dates, location, and times. Jeff presented a Commendation and plaque from Granite Bay to a leader of the DFW Hunter Education Program in Squaw Valley. Want to see more, check out our web page.
- DFW Projects: The Board is looking at key projects to support
- Blue Bags: We have two blue bags that can be filled with education and medical supplies to send with any member who is going out of the country. These supplies can be distributed to the local villages in the area that you are going to.The airlines do not charge for these bags as luggage. Call for details if you want to use one on your next trip.
- Granite Bay Trap Club: New project for us to support these young shooters from Granite Bay High School. If you want to support, go on our web page and click the donate button – then write “GB Trap” in the spot for where you would like the money to go.
- Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue: Another project locally that we support. Again go to our website and click the button to donate – then write “Kindred Spirits” in the spot for where you would like the money to go.
- Wounded Warrior Project: Jeff is working on ways to support. Stay tuned.
* If you know of any projects we could support, send them on or call a board member for review.
2015 Membership Drive
As you know, membership is the lifeblood of any Chapter. Now more than ever, with all the gun legislation in the news, we are only as strong as our members to fight this battle. Do you know of one person who feels the same as you do about SCI’s mission? Please spread the word and invite that person to become a member of our chapter. If every member would bring in one new member, we would double our membership!A membership form is on our web page: or call us at 530-305-7566 and we will email you one, simple. Here are the costs:
• 1 Year SCI member: $65
• 3 Year SCI Membership: $195 Special $150
• 1 Year Granite Bay Chapter Member: $25
• 3 Year Granite Bay Chapter Member: $75 Special $50
• Life Member: $1500
• Senior Life Member (over 65yrs old): $1250
SPECIAL: Join SCI & the Granite Bay Chapter for 1 Year between now and April 11th for a special rate of only $65 (Save $25) and get a $25 Cabela’s gift cert so your membership is really only $40.
Example: Last Year's Prizes |
If you are already an SCI member, you can have a chance to win the membership special draw by upgrading your SCI & Granite Bay Chapter membership from an annual renewal to a three year renewal @ $200 (a $70 savings) and plus get a $50 Cabela’s gift cert and a chance to win a $10,000 shopping spree. This upgrade option gets you 3 chances to win!
Cabela’s new incentive program: Sign up a fellow Hunter as an SCI member and get a $25 Gift Certificate for Cabela’s. This replaces the previous Cabela’s program. So spread the word, get your spouse and kids in the drawing and take advantage of this great membership opportunity! Go to to see details.
New Members in 2014
As mentioned above, we had a great response to new membership and renewal membership at our May 10 fundraiser last year. One person won a new Weatherby Shotgun and one lady won a Coach Purse... just for joining or renewing a membership!- New Members included: James Baker, John Bianchi, Paul Binon, Krista Bishop, Wayne Blosset, Jim Bunse, Marty Donohue, Marty Gragg, Tami Hulsey, Ken Jackson, Craig Jones, Thomas Kambe, Terry Mehlhaff, Michael Palmer, Don Powers and William Sharff. Thanks to all and welcome to the Granite Bay Family.
- Members who upgraded for 3yr memberships in SCI and received a $50 Cabela’s gift cert for this commitment: Dan Baker, Paul Binon, Krista Bishop, Jim bunse, Marty Donohue, Marty Gragg, Ken Jackson, Terry Melhaff, Don Powers and Bill Sharff.
- New Life Member: Jerry Karnow, Head of the DFW Wardens, Congratulations Jerry.
Have any pictures of your hunting adventures? Email them to us at to be shared on our website and Facebook page.
Ok, that's it for now. We have some fun events planned so please come and participate at the events to help make them successful. Spread the word and bring a friend for some fun.
Thanks & Happy New Year to all!!
Your Granite Bay Board
Cal Ryan: 530-305-7566
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